Writing a Resume

When it comes to job search, your resume is a supreme document. If you get it right and appealing, you will get a call for an interview but if you get it wrong, you will have to face rejection. Make your resume stand out amongst all the applicants as you want to show you are unique of all. So, here is the guide on writing a great resume.

Resume is basically a tool that sells you to the recruiters. A resume should contain personal information, educational qualifications, skills and professional history. In short, it should sum up everything that shows you are the best candidate for the applied job.

There are different kinds of format people follow to write their resume and it is really a tough job to decide the best format. Writing a bad resume is always easier than a good one so, we need to have a proper format. The best format is the one that catches the eye of hiring department at one glance: they shouldn’t be digging down to the material to know who you are and what your skills are.

The particular sections, a format follows that every hiring department expects to see regardless of industry and vacancy are recommended below:

Contact details

This is the first part of your resume. This is the basic section: should contain information like your name, date of birth, physical address, phone numbers and email address. It’s not important to include marital status, religion or any insignificant personal details.

Personal statement

This is one of the important sections of your resume as it gives an overview of who you are and what is your objective behind applying the respective job. It should portray your personality and also highlight the specific qualities that match you to the job role. Keep it very short and sweet.


This section helps you give and overview of your past experiences, internships and voluntary works. All these should be written in reverse chronological order. You should include the job title, date of work, the company name and your responsibilities respectively.  In this, you can use bullet points to list your experiences.

Educational qualifications

Educational qualifications too need to be listed in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, university and the passed out dates. Percentages and grades are optional to be mentioned but recommended. You could also enlist major subjects you undertook in your higher studies level. Bullet points are considered for listing of qualifications.


This section on your resume includes the achievements you have gained in your previous jobs or during your studies. Don’t worry if you think you got no any achievements like formal awards.  You can include anything related that made you proud like completing some kind of projects or you had any promotions. It gives recruiter your picture of success. So, let them know if you have any.

Skills and trainings

Showcase your relevant skills you have under this section of your resume. The skills and trainings you gained from any institute should be included here. You should include the title, dates and name of institute if available in this section. It makes the recruiter aware of your skills that will benefit the company.  For enlisting, you can use bullet points.

Hobbies and interests

It’s not the compulsory section to be mentioned in a resume but it helps the recruiter know you better in personal level. If you have any interesting hobbies which help you to shine, mention them here. If you don’t like or run out of space, you are free to avoid this section.


Your referees are your previous employers or educational tutors. You don’t need to include all their details. You can mention their name, their roles, contact number and email address.

In a nutshell, be creative and careful while writing a resume.  Make sure you proofread your resume a number of times to avoid mistakes. Recruiters don’t want to read a long resume so make it short even if you have more information to deliver. Keep your resume up to date as your career goals may change over time and it should reflect your resume. While sending your resume online, it is always preferred to save it as PDF extension as it maintains formatting and it can be opened in any device without any problem.




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